Monday 24 November 2014


Ok so there not willows, there avacardo trees. It clouded over yesterday afternoon then the wind picked up slightly but the temperature stayed in the high teens. I was sending texts outside the bar last night. I didn't go in as it was some member of staffs leaving do whom I have never met. No matter said Martyn, a fellow Brit, bring your chair in & join us. There was a buffet for people who had booked & paid €5, but that was before I arrived here. The people I was sat with had booked so went to get food. They new I hadn't booked so they all got a plateful & told me they'd got extra so there was enough for me. This is the kind of people I keep meeting along my journey ! The wind got steadily stronger as the night went on & by midnight I was really glad I don't have an awning or any dangly bits. It's something tha happens from time to time here. This morning the wind had gone but everything was covered with a thin layer of sand. The wind had come from Africa & picked up sand from the Sahara along the way it's now 3 pm on Sunday and am once again sat outside Leftie reading my book. Going round to my new best friends tonight with a veg curry I made yesterday, I even have popadoms. 

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