Wednesday 26 November 2014


Well I arrived in Nerja ( pronounced Nerca) at midday to be met by Teri & Pete. We stolled down to the seafront then had  coffee in a seafront .cafe in what I discovered is bigger, better version of Torrox. About three times bigger I would guess. Much busier than Torrox with lots more  to see & do. It's about 6 away miles buses run every hour & it cost €1.17 one way. Methinks I shall be spending at least two days a week there. I'm having a sleepover tonight, my first night out of Leftie in over  month & tomorrow we're off the see the caves. Which where apparently only descovered in 1960 by some boys playing out ! I had tea made for me, another luxury & first since leaving Holmfirth. We had an adapted version of an Andalusian stew after Tap pas on the terrace. 

 With wine & followed by profita tools  & more wine. I didn't even have to do the washing up
This morning we walked into Nerja & caught the bus up into mountains to visit the caves
It's impossible to photograph the scale or do justice to the size of the caves I can only liken it to being in a very ornate cathedral 


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