Friday 25 April 2014


What can I say, they lied. I did walk into Perth but its over 5 MILES.Well that's burned up some calories.Did a supermarket shop & got a taxi back, that's how I know how far it was. Diesel is cheap at Asda but there not daft they lower the canopy's so if your over three metres high you cant get to the pumps!

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Moved on today.Driven a 120 miles up into the Highlands through Inverness and onto the Black Isle to another Caravan & Camping club site in the village of Rosemarkie. The scenery is getting better as I go further north but the weather isn't all though it brightened up about 6pm. I'm camped  about 50 feet from the sea Dolphin spotting with my new binoculars.
View from Lefties  windscreen

Lefties been a naughty boy today, driving along happy as can be and he lost power! not all of it but enough to have me worrying that it might be something expensive. he seemed to right himself after a few miles, so I'll just have to see if it happens again when I head up towards John O Groats.took this picture of the light house on full zoom on a tripod. quite pleased with the result.

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