Monday 21 April 2014


Well good morning all. Iv'e just been released from a short spell in jail with a pretty young cell mate. I sat in my cell & started to sing Durham jail so they said I was being released on grounds of insanity.

Do you think the pot is for tips?

It's hard to take Jedburgh seriously as a town, it was known as Jedwood in acient times & the local paper is called " The Jed Eye " I kid you not. I overheard a local say to her friend yesterday when passing a man walking three dogs " look at that Hen. Its a Pack O Hoonds". Two days would have been ample time to see all it has to offer. I'm still trying to decide which way to arrive in the far north or even if I should go all that way. I'll make my mind up when I  reach Fort William. Tomorrow I'm heading up to Pitlochry. Proper Scotland.

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