Sunday, 27 July 2014


Well it's been a few years since I shared a bed with anyone but last night I did just that. The experience is definitely one I don't wish to repeat as my bedfellow was a mosquito or judging by the 19 red & itchy lumps I counted this morning probably more than one. You don't feel then or see them but believe me  they make their presence felt. Wonder if you can get camomile lotion in France. 
         On a brighter note I've Just spent 3 hours over lunch at the house of a lovely couple called Patrick & Silvie. Patrick was out walking his dog yesterday & heard me playing a Dubliners album in Leftie so came over to tell me how much he loved Irish music, especially  the Dubliners. We spent a while talking then he invited me to lunch at his place just along the road. I gave him a. Copy of my music swapped email addresses & there now in the blog. :- 

The church I said I go to for GOD not having me meet a combine harvester on the many narrow roads. As I called it to say goodby to Patrick & Silvie tha morning they gave me a bottle of local with a message on.

A lovely couple.


  1. Hope you asked GOD how the new camera flash was working and hopefully he wont be using it a lot more :-)

  2. And is the church still standing I wonder!!!!

  3. Having had the same in Egypt I feel your pain :-(
