Wednesday, 30 July 2014


Got in touch with friends Phil & Karen yesterday as they are on holiday & only 20 miles away from me, arranged to meet up with the today on an Aire down in the Arcachone basin . I arrived at the Aire around 2.30, 15 mins before them. We  made camp so to speak & I enjoyed a second meal being cooked for me in two days. The evening was spent catching up & talking motorhome stuff like empty your gray water tank ( that's the one with washing up & shower water in if you've been standing still for a few days even if there's not much in cause when set off & it swishes around it doesn't half stink. As I found out to my cost on the way here. After a late night we all retired & has I had had such a bad night  with Mosquitos the night before was dead to the world. The next morning Phil asked if I'd not heard the comotion during the night which of course I hadn't. Apparently it had rained so hard that Phil & Karens
canopy had given way under the weight of the water & suffered structural damage which can't be repaired . We did manage to retract it so the motorhome could stay on the road. Wonder what's French for  " I have a long bent one " is 
Not one of the poshest boats in the marina.

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