Sunday 1 February 2015


Well reader this is my  first post in over a month !! What can I say. I flew back to England on the 29th of December to catch up with family & friends, sort out Leftie's insurance, and have my MOT at the doctors. First impression on arrival was ( it's bloody cold ) it had snowed a few days before and had then turned to ice. My son Peter was away in London so I stayed in his flat for the first few days. It was nice to see everyone or at least nearly everyone as some were ill with the lurgy &. Some tied up with other things. I had told friends here in Spain I was going home for New Year but in truth I was coming Back to th UK not home as I've come to realize that home is where ever Leftie,is so currently my home is in Spain. Since my return I have fallen into a routine which lots of people would sell their souls for. I don't have to be at particular place at a given time or day, I do what I like when I like, how I like & only if I like. I enjoy sunshine nearly  every day, I have many  friends, I enjoy good food. I have a stress free life. For me it's working out just great ( fortunately ) as changing  my lifestyle was a leap of faith. I will write posts more often but at the moment I'm just enjoying lazing around, cooking lots of interesting food as in Paella, octopus stew, deep fried whitebait oh & the most wonderful hazelnut & coffee  cheesecake. Thank you Toni. X. I have a vague plan for the next couple of months, leave Torrox mid March drive over to Portugal see friends, then head upto Brittany to visit cousin Penny & Ken for Easter then  make my way back to the UK by the end of Aprip. But hey who knows. I do plan to visit Granada, Córdoba, & Valencia whilst I'm here. I guess I could book a hotel in Granada & spend a couple days site seeing. I'm told the Alhambra is something to behold. I will of course take you with me so you don't miss out. If the octopus stew turns out well I'll share the recipe with you too but remember if you decide to make it you need to buy tenticals not testicals.

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