Wednesday 12 November 2014


Slept quite well last night & phoned some friends for a chat. France in November is different from France in July. The Aires are very empty & and as yet haven't seen another UK registered motor home. Today I've travelled 150 miles to a place called Gastes on the edge of a lake in the Arcachone Bassin. Below Bordeaux. A spitting distance ( assuming you can spit 60 odd miles from the Spanish boarder. Planning one more night in France then across the Boarder & down through Spain. Took a few photos today so enjoy :- 
Roads round here are flat & straight this one was 10 miles long, not one bend

The view from Lefties bedroom window!

Photo of a strange tree. They seem to be just in this area.. PS if the lady from the laundrette who's name I don't know is reading the blog please email to say Hi

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