Tuesday 15 July 2014

July the 14th

I am writing today's blog in bright sunshine, sat by the side of a canal in the middle of the town of Redon in the south of Brittany. I arrived yesterday afternoon & got the last space in the official Aire although the French seem to have a healthy disregard for any rules so there lots of motor homes parked in the carpark across the road. Being Bastille day today there was a very impressive firework display at midnight last night to get things underway. This was followed by a disco mercifully  a far enough away from Leftie & me not to keep me awake. The only other English couple I saw said it was still going at 3.30. I've just had a walk round the  town taking a few photos of more quaint French buildings some of witch I will share with you :-

I haven't eaten out yet but as I've found a cafe with free Wi Fi for 30 mins I'm going to treat myself to a cheeky beer and post this blog. It's taking some time to relax on my trip abroad. Different language ,different country but it's getting easier day by day, had my first conversation without using any English words,  short but we understood each other. Have to the best bit of kit I have with me is Sue the Satnav I'd be lost without her ( pardon the pun ) & the most useless is the satalite dish, just can't get it to work. Probably me which would then mean I'm the most useless thing on the trip. Mmmmmm

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