Saturday 3 May 2014


The view from leftie just keeps getting better and better. As I drove down the coast to Lochcarron and the Kyle of Lochalsh to cross the bridge over to the lsle of Skye on roads that were sometimes not worthy of the name  "road" I was up and down from Leftie's cab like a brides nightie, camera in hand. The photo I wish I had taken but alas was over in an instant was on on a bend in the road with the railway line 10 feet to my right which in turn was 10 feet again from the sea. around which in all it's glory came the magnificent Royal Scot with it's cargo of wealthy passengers enjoying a fist class trip in five star luxury on the way up through the Highlands.I did however capture some wonderful images.

The view from my bedroom on the sea front in Ullerpool
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The bridge to Skye
Mc Leftie
Dunvegan Castle home of the clan McDonald

I am as I travel around able to watch Game of Thrones from my lap top so a Visit to this castle was very atmospheric.
The Harbour in Portree,the largest town on Skye

I was  booked onto a site on the Island for two nights to rest up a little and also see as much of the Island as there was to see. Good night for now tomorrow is another day.

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