Saturday 6 December 2014


Well the tapas was good value for money at 9 Euros a head but I have the feeling it wasn't your authentic Spanish tapas. It was made by members of the committee at the Los Amigos club & the first offering was onion bahgees. We had two other curry's in the 7 offerings so I plan to go in search of authenticity. I made my usuall trip down into Torrox today to shop at the best of the five supermarkets Murcadonna they have an amazing meat & fresh fish counter & bought the wherewithal to make Prawn Tom Yum soup & Sezuan pork stir fry. New people are arriving every day now so the site is filling up. I'll fill you in with photos on some of the people I've met shortly.i nearly bought a Christmas tree today but decided the site already looks like Santas Grotto so  might buy a " Bar Humbug " hat instead.:-

And NO it's not Leftie.

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